
The Customer may lodge a complaint against the Company's actions by sending a notice by ordinary mail to:

Kruso Kapital S.p.A. 
Largo Augusto 1/A, ang. Via Verziere 13, 20122 Milan
Fax: +39 +39 02 72093979

Legal Department, or with a notice sent by certified e-mail to The Company will respond as soon as possible and in any case within 60 days. 
If the Company has failed to provide a response within 60 days, the complaint has not been accepted or in any case if the Customer is dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaint, the Customer may contact:

  • the Banking and Finance Arbitrator (“Arbitro Bancario Finanziario - ABF”), if the value of the dispute does not exceed € 100,000.00, using the forms available on or at the Company. For further information, the Customer may refer to the "Practical Guide" shown at the bottom of the section below and available on the Website (, in the section dedicated to complaints; or, to fulfil the obligation pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 28 of 4 March 2010, to complete the mediation procedure before appealing to the Judicial Authority and also in the absence of a prior complaint;
  • the Banking and Financial Mediator (“Conciliatore Bancario Finanziario”), to launch a mediation proceeding, consisting of the attempt to reach an agreement with the Company through the assistance of an independent mediator. To use this service, the Customer may contact the Conciliatore Bancario Finanziario (Banking and Financial Mediator)– Associazione per la soluzione delle controversie bancarie, finanziarie e societarie (Association for the resolution of banking, financial and company disputes) – ADR, using the forms available on the website It is also possible to consult the “Procedural rules for the mediation” of the Banking Conciliator (“Organismo di Conciliazione Bancaria”) shown at the foot dedicated to complaints on the website; or
  • with another entity entered in the appropriate register held by the Ministry of Justice and specialised in banking and finance.

It should also be noted that, in implementation of European Directive (2013/11/EU) on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes (implemented in Italy by Legislative Decree 130/2015) and Regulation (EU) No 524/2013, both dated 21 May 2013, the platform created by the European Union for the submission of complaints relating to products or services purchased online (Online Dispute Resolution − ODR) is operational, at the below link